The Residential Homes for the Elderly

There were two homes for the elderly in the parish, almost opposite each other, and I always felt kind of sad about it, because one was a private home for people who could afford it, and the other was a council run home, and the care differences were there, even though the council home didn’t…

from ‘Homeless’ written on 09/12/2011 -not sure why I am posting this apart from getting it off the list, too interesting to delete

When I was young and was doing Christmas preparations with my brother,we used to listen to Christmas songs, one of them has these lines in it: Hallalujah Nowell, be it heaven or hellat Christmas we get we deserve Even as a child I puzzled over this, is the singer syaing that people get what they…

what did the Korris report miss out or describe inaccurately part 1 of an exhaustive lists

The Korris report allowed Jane Fisher to cover up her misconduct. And the Korris report was written without any attempt to contact me and get my views or ask if I still had a complaint. And basically after destroying me for persuing my complaint, an enquiry that omits me and my views, years later and…